HR Health Check

 Receive expert HR guidance and solutions for organisations and individuals addressing specific challenges or questions in a condensed, efficient time-frame.

HR Health Check

Whether you're grappling with a specific HR issue, need strategic advice, or have a series of questions about best practices, these sessions offer the opportunity to gain valuable insights and guidance from seasoned HR professionals. It's an ideal format for those times when you need a concise, focused consultation without committing to a long-term engagement.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Immediate HR Insights: Gain instant access to professional HR advice and solutions tailored to your specific questions or challenges.

  • Strategic Guidance: Leverage expert knowledge to inform your HR decisions, strategy development, or problem-solving efforts.

  • Actionable Recommendations: Receive practical, actionable recommendations that can be implemented swiftly to address your HR concerns.

Fee: $150 + GST

Click here to review our terms and conditions.